
10 Proven Best Practices for Creating a User-Friendly Quote Builder That Converts

Discover the top 5 best practices for designing a user-friendly quote builder that boosts engagement and conversions. Learn how to create an intuitive, visually appealing, and mobile-responsive quote tool on your website to enhance user experience and streamline the quoting process.

10 Proven Best Practices for Creating a User-Friendly Quote Builder That Converts

Before you start designing your quote builder, it's crucial to understand your target audience. Take the time to research your customers' needs, preferences, and pain to points. A customer needs analysis, as discussed on the Qualtrics page, is essential for understanding consumer requirements for products or services. This analysis can help identify basic necessities like affordability to complex needs like status and self-image alignment, which are crucial for making informed decisions about product features and marketing strategies.

Consider the following steps to gain a deeper understanding of your target audience:

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with existing customers
  • Analyze customer support inquiries and feedback
  • Create buyer personas based on demographic and behavioral data
  • Study industry trends and competitor practices

By tailoring your quote builder design to your specific users, you can ensure a more personalized and engaging experience. For example, if you're targeting busy professionals, prioritize a streamlined and efficient quote process. If your audience values visual content, incorporate product images or interactive elements to enhance their understanding of your offerings.


Remember, the goal is to create a quote builder that resonates with your target audience and addresses their specific needs. By investing time in understanding your users, you can create a more user-friendly and effective tool that drives conversions and customer satisfaction. The platform, utilized by over 3,000 businesses globally, offers tools like custom price quote calculators that enhance lead generation by providing dynamic and individualized price quotes (

2. Simplify the Quote Request Process

A user-friendly quote builder should simplify the quote request process, making it easy and intuitive for visitors to input their information and obtain a quote. To achieve this, consider the following best practices:

  1. Minimize the number of form fields: Only ask for essential information needed to generate an accurate quote. Avoid overwhelming users with lengthy forms that may discourage them from completing the process.

  2. Use clear, concise labels and instructions: Ensure that each form field is clearly labeled and accompanied by concise instructions. Use plain language and avoid industry jargon to make the form accessible to a wide range of users.

  3. Implement auto-fill and conditional logic: Leverage auto-fill functionality to populate known user information, such as their name or email address, based on previous interactions or browser data. Use conditional logic to dynamically display or hide form fields based on user input, streamlining the process and reducing cognitive load.

For example, consider a quote builder for a software product. Instead of presenting a single, lengthy form, break it down into logical steps:

  1. User selects the desired product or service
  2. System displays relevant form fields based on the selection
  3. User provides necessary information (e.g., number of users, additional features)
  4. System calculates and presents the quote

By simplifying the quote request process, you can reduce form abandonment rates and increase the likelihood of users completing the form and requesting a quote. Remember to continuously test and iterate your form design based on user feedback and analytics to ensure an optimal user experience.

3. Optimize Form Layout and Design

The layout and design of your quote builder form play a crucial role in creating a user-friendly experience. A well-designed form not only enhances visual appeal but also improves readability and usability. Consider the following best practices when optimizing your form layout and design:

  1. Choose a visually appealing, mobile-responsive layout: Select a layout that aligns with your brand's aesthetic and provides a seamless experience across devices. Ensure that your quote builder form is mobile-responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and orientations.

  2. Group related fields together logically: Organize form fields into logical sections or steps, making it easier for users to navigate and complete the form. Use clear headings or labels to distinguish between different sections.

  3. Use whitespace, typography, and color to enhance readability: Incorporate ample whitespace between form fields and sections to prevent clutter and improve readability. Choose a legible font and appropriate font size for labels and input fields. Use color strategically to highlight important elements, such as primary action buttons, while maintaining a balanced and visually appealing design.

Consider the example below, which showcases a well-designed quote builder form:


Notice how the form is divided into distinct sections, with clear headings and logically grouped fields. The use of whitespace, typography, and color enhances readability and guides the user's attention to key elements.

In addition to these best practices, consider incorporating visual cues and directional prompts to guide users through the quote process. For example, use progress bars or step indicators to show users how far along they are in the form completion process. Provide tooltips or help icons to offer additional context or explanations for complex fields.

By optimizing your form layout and design, you can create a more engaging and intuitive quote builder that encourages users to complete the process and request a quote.

4. Provide Real-Time Support and Guidance

Even with a well-designed quote builder, users may still have questions or encounter challenges during the process. To ensure a user-friendly experience, it's essential to provide real-time support and guidance. Consider implementing the following features to assist users as they navigate your quote builder:

  1. Offer live chat or chatbot assistance: Integrate a live chat or chatbot functionality into your quote builder to provide instant support to users. This allows them to ask questions and receive immediate answers, reducing frustration and increasing the likelihood of completing the form.

  2. Include tooltips, info boxes, or FAQ sections: Provide additional context or explanations for complex or potentially confusing form fields. Use tooltips or info boxes that appear when users hover over or click on specific elements. Include a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common concerns or inquiries related to the quoting process.

  3. Display progress indicators and validation messages: Implement progress indicators to show users how far along they are in the quote builder process. This provides a sense of accomplishment and encourages them to complete the form. Additionally, use real-time validation messages to alert users of any errors or missing information as they fill out the form, allowing them to correct mistakes immediately.

Here's an example of how real-time support and guidance can be incorporated into a quote builder:


In this example, the quote builder includes a live chat widget, allowing users to instantly connect with a support representative. Tooltips are used to provide additional information for specific form fields, while a progress bar indicates the user's progress through the form.

By providing real-time support and guidance, you can create a more user-friendly experience that reduces confusion, minimizes form abandonment, and increases the likelihood of users successfully completing the quote request process.

5. Leverage Social Proof and Trust Signals

Incorporating social proof and trust signals into your quote builder design can significantly enhance user confidence and encourage them to complete the quoting process. Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon where people are influenced by the actions and opinions of others. Trust signals are elements that establish credibility and reassure users that your business is reliable and trustworthy.

Consider the following ways to leverage social proof and trust signals in your quote builder:

  1. Showcase customer testimonials and reviews: Display positive testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers near your quote builder. This provides evidence that others have had a positive experience with your products or services, increasing the likelihood that new users will trust your brand and complete the quoting process.

  2. Display trust badges, certifications, or industry affiliations: Incorporate trust badges, such as security seals or payment processor logos, to assure users that their information is secure and protected. If your business has earned certifications or belongs to industry associations, prominently display these logos to establish credibility and expertise.

  3. Highlight any guarantees or unique value propositions: If you offer any guarantees, such as a satisfaction guarantee or a price match promise, make sure to highlight these near your quote builder. This reduces perceived risk and encourages users to proceed with confidence. Additionally, emphasize any unique value propositions or benefits that set your business apart from competitors.

Here's an example of how social proof and trust signals can be integrated into a quote builder design:


In this example, the quote builder includes a customer testimonial section, showcasing positive reviews from satisfied clients. Trust badges, such as a security seal and industry association logo, are prominently displayed to establish credibility. The unique value proposition of a "Best Price Guarantee" is highlighted to reassure users and encourage them to complete the quoting process.

By leveraging social proof and trust signals, you can create a more persuasive and user-friendly quote builder that instills confidence in your brand and increases conversion rates.

6. Offer Flexible Pricing Options

Providing flexible pricing options within your quote builder can greatly enhance the user experience and cater to the diverse needs of your target audience. By offering a range of pricing plans or customization options, you allow users to tailor their quotes to their specific requirements and budget.

Consider the following strategies to incorporate flexible pricing options into your quote builder:

  1. Allow users to select from predefined packages or services: Offer a selection of predefined pricing packages or service tiers that cater to different user segments. For example, you could provide "Basic," "Pro," and "Enterprise" plans with varying features and price points. This allows users to quickly select the option that best aligns with their needs.

  2. Provide customization options for tailored solutions: Give users the ability to customize their quotes by selecting specific features, add-ons, or service levels. This is particularly useful for businesses that offer a wide range of products or services. By allowing users to pick and choose the components they need, you enable them to create a personalized solution that meets their unique requirements.

  3. Clearly display pricing breakdowns and totals: Ensure that your quote builder provides transparent and detailed pricing breakdowns. Show the individual costs for each selected item or feature, along with any applicable discounts or taxes. Clearly display the total price of the quote, so users have a clear understanding of the financial commitment.

Here's an example of how flexible pricing options can be presented in a quote builder:


In this example, the quote builder offers three predefined pricing packages: "Basic," "Pro," and "Enterprise." Each package includes a list of features and a corresponding price. Users can easily select the package that best suits their needs. Additionally, the quote builder provides customization options, allowing users to add or remove specific features to create a tailored solution. The pricing breakdown and total are clearly displayed, ensuring transparency and clarity.

By offering flexible pricing options, you empower users to make informed decisions and create quotes that align with their specific requirements. This level of flexibility and customization enhances the user experience and increases the likelihood of users proceeding with the purchase.

7. Enhance Interactivity and Engagement

To create a truly user-friendly quote builder, it's important to go beyond static forms and incorporate interactive elements that engage and guide users through the process. By adding interactivity and visual aids, you can make the quote building experience more intuitive, informative, and enjoyable.

Consider the following ways to enhance interactivity and engagement in your quote builder:

  1. Use interactive elements like sliders, dropdowns, or calculators: Implement interactive elements that allow users to easily adjust quantities, select options, or calculate prices. For example, you could use sliders to let users specify the desired number of users or licenses for a software product. Dropdowns can be used to present a list of available options or variations. Calculators can dynamically update prices based on user input, providing instant feedback.

  2. Provide visual aids like product images or videos: Incorporate visual aids to help users better understand the products or services they are considering. Include high-quality product images that showcase key features or benefits. Embed informative videos that demonstrate how your offerings work or highlight customer success stories. Visual aids can enhance comprehension and make the quote building process more engaging.

  3. Allow users to save, edit, or compare quotes: Give users the flexibility to save their progress, edit existing quotes, or compare multiple quotes side by side. This is particularly useful for complex or lengthy quote builders where users may need to gather additional information or consult with others before finalizing their decisions. By allowing users to save and return to their quotes later, you reduce the risk of abandonment and improve the overall user experience.

Here's an example of how interactivity and engagement can be incorporated into a quote builder:


In this example, the quote builder utilizes interactive sliders to allow users to specify the desired quantities or durations for each product or service. Product images are displayed alongside each item to provide visual context. A dynamic calculator instantly updates the total price based on user selections. Additionally, users have the option to save their quote, edit it later, or compare it with alternative options.

By enhancing interactivity and engagement, you create a more immersive and user-friendly quote building experience. These elements not only make the process more enjoyable but also help users make informed decisions and increase the likelihood of successful conversions.

8. Optimize for Mobile Usability

In today's mobile-first world, it's crucial to ensure that your quote builder is optimized for mobile devices. With an increasing number of users accessing websites and applications on smartphones and tablets, providing a seamless mobile experience is essential for user-friendliness and engagement.

Consider the following best practices when optimizing your quote builder for mobile usability:

  1. Ensure fast loading speeds on mobile devices: Mobile users expect quick and responsive experiences. Optimize your quote builder's performance by minimizing file sizes, compressing images, and leveraging caching techniques. Fast loading speeds reduce the risk of users abandoning the process due to frustration or impatience.

  2. Use large, touch-friendly buttons and form controls: Design your quote builder with mobile users in mind. Ensure that buttons, form fields, and other interactive elements are large enough to be easily tapped with a finger. Provide ample spacing between elements to prevent accidental clicks or selections.

  3. Simplify the layout and minimize scrolling on smaller screens: Adapt your quote builder's layout to accommodate smaller screen sizes. Break down lengthy forms into multiple steps or sections to minimize vertical scrolling. Use collapsible or expandable sections to hide less critical information until needed. Prioritize essential fields and use concise labels to make the most efficient use of limited screen real estate.

Here's an example of a mobile-optimized quote builder:


In this example, the quote builder is designed with a mobile-first approach. The form fields are large and easily tappable, with clear labels and ample spacing. The layout is simplified, with only essential fields visible by default. Users can expand additional options or details as needed. The primary action button is prominently displayed and easily accessible at the bottom of the screen.

By optimizing your quote builder for mobile usability, you ensure that users can easily access and complete the quoting process on their preferred devices. A mobile-friendly design not only improves user experience but also increases the likelihood of successful conversions and customer satisfaction.

Remember to thoroughly test your quote builder on various mobile devices and screen sizes to identify and address any usability issues. Continuously gather user feedback and analytics to refine and optimize your mobile experience over time.


Creating a user-friendly quote builder is essential for engaging visitors, streamlining the quoting process, and ultimately driving conversions. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can design a quote builder that is intuitive, visually appealing, and optimized for user experience.

To recap, the key elements of a user-friendly quote builder include:

  1. Understanding your target audience and tailoring the design to their specific needs and preferences.
  2. Simplifying the quote request process by minimizing form fields, using clear labels, and implementing auto-fill and conditional logic.
  3. Optimizing the form layout and design with a visually appealing, mobile-responsive layout, logical grouping of fields, and effective use of whitespace, typography, and color.
  4. Providing real-time support and guidance through live chat, tooltips, FAQ sections, progress indicators, and validation messages.
  5. Leveraging social proof and trust signals, such as customer testimonials, trust badges, certifications, and guarantees, to build credibility and encourage user confidence.
  6. Offering flexible pricing options, including predefined packages, customization options, and transparent pricing breakdowns, to cater to diverse user requirements.
  7. Enhancing interactivity and engagement with interactive elements like sliders, dropdowns, calculators, visual aids, and the ability to save, edit, or compare quotes.
  8. Optimizing for mobile usability by ensuring fast loading speeds, using touch-friendly controls, simplifying the layout, and minimizing scrolling on smaller screens.

By implementing these best practices, you can create a quote builder that not only enhances the user experience but also sets your business apart from competitors. A user-friendly quote builder demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can significantly impact your conversion rates and revenue.

Take action now and review your current quote builder against these best practices. Identify areas for improvement and prioritize the implementation of these user-friendly design principles. Continuously monitor user feedback, analytics, and industry trends to refine and optimize your quote builder over time.

Remember, investing in a user-friendly quote builder is an investment in your customer relationships and business growth. By providing a seamless, intuitive, and engaging quoting experience, you can attract more prospects, convert them into customers, and foster long-term loyalty.

Start enhancing your quote builder today and witness the positive impact it can have on your business!