How to Utilize Default and Custom Variables

Guide to using default and custom variables in ActiveCalculator.

Abdul Moiz

Written by Abdul Moiz

By mastering the use of default and custom variables, you can perform complex computations and tailor the functionality of your calculators to meet specific needs. This article will guide you through the process of utilizing both default and custom variables in ActiveCalculator.

Understanding Default Variables

Default variables are automatically linked to your calculator's elements. For instance, a "number" element will have its value stored as a default variable. These variables are essential as they represent the basic data points of your calculator.

Creating and Using Custom Variables

Accessing the Formula Tab

To harness the full power of ActiveCalculator, you'll need to create custom variables. Begin by opening the specific calculator you wish to edit. Then, click on the "Formula" tab, where all the magic happens.

Accessing the Formula Tab
Accessing the Formula Tab

Adding a New Custom Variable

In the formula tab, click on "Add custom variable".

Adding a New Custom Variable
Adding a New Custom Variable

Here, you will enter a name for your variable in the 'Variable Name' field and define the variable field, which is how you'll reference the variable in your formulas.

Entering Variable Name and Field
Entering Variable Name and Field

Writing Formulas Using Custom Variables

To add existing variables into your custom formula, type "@" to bring up a list of all available variables.

Typing @ to Access Variables
Typing @ to Access Variables

You can then select the ones you need for your computation. When writing your formula, remember that ActiveCalculator supports mathjs syntax, allowing for a wide range of mathematical operations.

Writing Formulas Using Custom Variables
Writing Formulas Using Custom Variables

Integrating Custom Variables into Results

Selecting the Result Element

After setting up your custom variable, you need to integrate it with your results. Select your result element and in the right question tab, look for the source variable dropdown.

Selecting the Result Element
Selecting the Result Element

Assigning Custom Variables to Results

From the source variable dropdown, choose the custom variable you've just created. This will ensure that the result element displays the value calculated by your custom formula.

Assigning Custom Variables to Results
Assigning Custom Variables to Results

Saving Your Work

Once you've configured your variables and formulas, don't forget to save your work. Click the 'Save' button to apply the changes to your calculator. It's always a good idea to test your calculator to ensure the results are accurate and reflect your formulas correctly.


With these steps, you are now equipped to create and use custom variables in ActiveCalculator, opening up endless possibilities for complex calculations. Don't hesitate to experiment and refine your calculators to best serve your needs.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

If you encounter issues or have questions, refer to the troubleshooting section and FAQs for guidance. For additional support, ActiveCalculator's customer service team is always ready to assist.

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